kii web application

5 minute read

The current tut explore how to create a simple mobile application with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript based on the new Kii Javascript SDK. Basically Kii Corporation offers a rich cloud mobile backend to help the development of a mobile application providing some services out of the box such as user registration and login. Then the application will be wrapped by Apache Cordova to obtain a deployable app for iOS and Android in a hybrid fashion.


Preview of the application in Plunker

A preview of the web application that is going to be implemented can be seen and tested in Plunker using jon/dohh as username/password or just registering a new user. Password must be at least 4 charaters and special ones are not allowed

In order to make it work I had to brutally copy/paste the content of the Kii Javascript SDK in a file because Plunker does not allow file upload.

Build steps

1. Create a Kii cloud application

First of all create a Kii account and then a new Kii application, put the name and select the HTML5 logo. Now download the Kii Javascript SDK.

2. Clone Github repository

Clone the repository containing the simple application

$ git clone

The application is the same application has been implemented in Plunker with the following structure:

├── css
│   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│   └── style.css                   # custom style
├── fonts
│   └── CherryCreamSoda.ttf         # a fancy font
├── index.html                      # single page of the web application
├── js
│   ├── angular.min.js
│   ├──
│   ├── kiisdk.js                   # Kii JavaScript SDK
│   └── script.js                   # custom script for Angular controllers
├── package.json
└── server.js                       # server side configuration

In the index.html a minimal form has been implemented to allow login and registration of the user. Just to make the UI a bit more fancy and easy to develop, Boostrap and AngularJS frameworks have been added.

2.1 Kii JavaScript SDK

The SDK has been used to perform login and registration action.

``` javascript js/script.js $scope.login = function () {

KiiUser.authenticate($scope.user.username, $scope.user.password, {
    // Called on successful registration
    success: function (theUser) {


    // Called on a failed authentication
    failure: function (theUser, errorString) {

}) }; ``` Some details has been remove just to focus on the ``authenticate`` function. Once the credential has been sent to the cloud one of the two functions will be called according to the outcome of the authentication.

The registration function is a bit different, a new KiiUser object has to be created with the data coming from the form and then the function register has to be called. As for the login function two callbacks are available to manage possible process outcomes.

``` javascript js/script.js $scope.register = function () {

// Create the KiiUser object
var user = KiiUser.userWithUsername($scope.user.username, $scope.user.password);

// Register the user, defining callbacks for when the process completes
    // Called on successful registration
    success: function (theUser) {

    // Called on a failed registration
    failure: function (theUser, errorString) {

}); }; ```

3. Local test with node.js

In order to locally test in a browser the application node.js can be used. Download and install node.js. On mac use <a href=””target=”_blank”>homebrew</a>

$ brew install node

once done use npm to install modules declared in package.json

$ npm install -g

where -g option means glabally, remove it to have all the modules installed locally in a folder named node_modules. Then, in the folder where the repository has been cloned, run the command

$ node server.js

and type in a browser tab to load the web page.

4. PhoneGap/Apache Cordova Installation

PhoneGap wraps a native web application written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript in a native application of a given platform such as iOS, Android, Windows8 and more.

Here it is possible to find a more detailed tutorial about hot to build a mobile application using PhoneGap.

PhoneGap vs Cordova

PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova. You can think of Apache Cordova as the engine that powers PhoneGap, similar to how WebKit is the engine that powers Chrome or Safari.

More here

Prepare the environment

Install Node.js if not yet done.

Install Apache Cordova

npm install -g cordova

Optional, to debug install Apache Ripple emulator

$ npm install -g ripple-emulator

Install Android SDK

$ brew install android

Install ‘‘actual SDK stuff’’

$ android

Install Genymotion to test the mobile application for Android devices.


Genymotion offers a better and more straight forward way to test an Android app than the native emulator. Once done register one or more virtual divices according to your preferences.


Pay attention about the specified API version of the virtual devices because it must match the one installed previously when android command has been run to install ‘‘actual SDK stuff’’, both are at version 21.


5. Create the Apache Cordova application

Step A - Create a Cordova project

Run the command

$ cordova create kii101phonegap com.kii.phonegap Kii101PhoneGap

This command will create a project named Kii101PhoneGap in the folder kii101phonegap.

Step B - Add project files

Copy the cloned repository content under the www into the project just created.

├── css
│   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│   └── style.css
├── fonts
│       └── CherryCreamSoda.ttf
├── index.html
└── js
    ├── angular.min.js
    ├── kiisdk.js
    └── script.js

Step C - Add platforms

Switch to folder kii101phonegap and add the platforms against which the test will be done, for instance iOS and Android

$ cordova platform add ios
$ cordova platform add android

Step D - Build and emulate

Build the application and test it in iOS platform running

$ cordova build ios
$ cordova emulate ios

after the project have been built, an emulation window opens showing the developed application.

For Android it is a bit different, before start the Genymotion virtual device created in one of the previous steps, then in the command line type

$ adb devices

and see how the Genymotion virtual device is seen as a real one

List of devices attached	device

so run the command

$ cordova run android

and the application will be deployed into the Genymotion device.

From the Kii Team

If you’re interested in more samples that use Kii Cloud please take a look at the GitHub page from the Kii team. Also, if you’re interested in other platforms, please check out their samples section available here.


Android target

Sometimes could happen that a prject has been created when a previuos android-sdk was installed, then having created a new device based on a more recent API the following error arises

ERROR: Error: Please install Android target 19 (the Android newest SDK).
Make sure you have the latest Android tools installed as well.
Run "android" from your command-line to install/update any missing SDKs or tools.

In the folder kii101phonegap/platforms/android of the Cordova application check the following files and keep android-sdk version consistent.

├── AndroidManifest.xml     # <uses-sdk> tag
├──        # location of the SDK. This is only used by Ant
├──      # project target